Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Hi guys!

Today at I saw the curious case of Benjamin Button.  Yes the one that got nominated for 13 Oscars this year.  I gotta say it definitely begs you to ask questions about life and death.  If you have done enough with your life, living the one that you always wanted or do you have the courage to change it?  Yes the same ones that Forest Gump asked also and was just as sad but not quite as refreshing in some ways.  The color palette was a lot more earthy quality, clothed in a lot of night.  The setting's evolving as Benjamin does but ultimately comes back 'home'.  You go from the mystic heavy traditional buildings a kin to New Orleans to a 70's duplex, complete with sunburst time pieces and mustard fridges to frame the young love of Benjamin and Daisy.  It is beautiful film which has a magical quality all of its own, unique to New Orleans.  I know I know as an artist, trust me to hone in on the visual presence of this film, but for me this is where I experience movies.  I feel the action strongly through the atmosphere and light it is portrayed with.  I personally enjoyed the beautiful crisp breathing outdoors of the Forest Gump depiction a little more.

But I must say, it is I must say a very curious tale.  Worth a gander at least once.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Tahiti Beach Paper at CHA 2009

Hi !
I just wanted to show you guys that my beach stack has been released by die cuts Inc. It is not my favourite what they did to it but have a look anyway. It is at least 50% mine still :) The blue they changed the blue from turquoise and added cheesy pictures of surfers in there too and ruined a black paper. But hey you can buy it, I probably will just so I can say I have something published :) Yay Yay
